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So Tonight I’m Gonna Party Like it’s 1997…Or Wait, Was It 1999?

Posted on August 25, 2015

Perhaps the FX traders should urge Prince to do a remake of the song more in sync with their current mindset. They may not be able to enjoy the volatility of their markets, but at least they can enjoy the ride? It’s been a ghastly August for the investment world. In one month alone, European markets are down 15%, S&P down 10%, and these are developed markets that apparently have stable to consistent growth and lower inflation. Emerging...

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Sure, Let’s Just Blame It All On Greece, Shall We?

Posted on July 8, 2015

Investors are so caught up in tracking the developments or rather the bipolar nature of the leaders in Greece, no one is paying attention to the robust global economic data that is hitting the tape recently. European markets are down 11% since they hit their peak in the middle of April, which ironically coincided with the low in Euro as well. Greece, however, has been the culprit for the ~ 7% move lower over the last two weeks. This past...

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Why Have Commodities Rallied Recently? The Truth Please….

Posted on May 26, 2015

As the esteemed Sherlock Holmes would say, “Elementary dear Watson.” Coming into 2015, the positioning in investor’s portfolios was so asymmetric, that even a slight change in seasonality or tone amongst central banks could rock the boat. Being long dollar has been the mantra amongst portfolio managers and sell side all through last year, and rightly so. One could be right over a year, but could be terribly wrong over a few...

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