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“Oil Got Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low….”

Posted on January 5, 2016

Commodity investors ended 2015 searching for the ctrl+alt+delete function hoping to wipe the year out entirely from their long-term memory banks. It was a year that saw the GSCI Commodity index fall 33%, with Energy down 38%, Industrial Metals down 26%, Agriculture down 15%, and Precious Metals down 10%. Every time we hit record short positions and oversold levels, commentators seized the opportunity to predict a short covering rally....

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‘Tis The Season To Be Flat, Tra La La La La…

Posted on November 21, 2015

With the US S&P 500 (SPX) up 1.5% for the year, the Eurostoxx (SX5E) up 9%, one could be forgiven for thinking this year to be quite an uneventful one. The reality is that it has been anything but that! Surprise announcements from the revaluation of the Swiss Franc in January to Chinese Renmibi devaluation in August coupled with Fed swinging between dovish and hawkish stances all year, this year has given the Macro players a run for their...

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Just Keep Pumping, Pumping, Pumping…

Posted on October 22, 2015

If a Six Flags Magic Mountain trip over the summer did not fulfill one’s adrenalin requirements, consider a career in trading Commodities this Fall! As the days go by, one’s yearly subscriptions would gravitate towards a permanent subscription for anti acid and heart burn medication. Commodity markets have been a in a bear market for last three years, but judging by the violent moves of the last month alone, a lot of three letter acronyms...

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