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Die Another Day

Posted on March 23, 2016

There was a time when global top down macro themes would reset every one to two years giving asset managers time to structure their portfolios. These days investors are shifting gears faster than Formula 1 drivers with views moving violently from inflation to recession to deflation in a matter of weeks and taking their portfolios along for the ride as well. As economists and strategists have resorted to increasing their after work beer intake,...

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Disney, Wouldn’t Currency Wars Episode 7 Been More Entertaining Than Star Wars Episode 7?

Posted on February 2, 2016

As eager Trekkies draped in robes wearing light saber replicas sat patiently near their computers in December to book tickets for the first showing of Star Wars sequel trilogy, there was another type of trilogy wars unraveling in the background that did not generate the same level of enthusiasm. Box office promoters were salivating at the prospects of opening week revenues, which topped $247.7 million. Unfortunately news channels did not garner...

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Are We There Yet?

Posted on January 21, 2016

As days go by with the Oil price making new lows globally, investors are beginning to sound more like belligerent children, impatiently sitting in the back seat wondering when their tormentous family road trip will end. Just as kids feel the necessity to transfer their anxiety to their parents, investors have succumbed to doing the same, in addition suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder when ringing their portfolio managers asking the...

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