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OPEC Cuts…Déjà Vu Anyone?

Posted on August 10, 2016

Wikipedia defines stress as “a physical quantity that expresses internal forces that neighbouring particles of a continuous material exert on each other. When a liquid is in a closed container under pressure, each particle gets used against by all the surrounding particles.” This theory best describes the current dilemma of all OPEC producers and the “stress” experienced by them as oil threatens $40/barrel.   Is it...

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“Paging for Central Bank Cavalry in Section 55° North, 15° East …”

Posted on June 29, 2016

If there was any doubt 2016 was proving to be a boring year or rather a foregone conclusion, June 24th changed everything! What is even more astonishing is that the referendum was meant to be a mistake, a political ploy. This miscalculated game is going to change the shape and structure of the European continent as we speak. No one can really predict how this will turn out as there are so many moving variables. But when the Brexit campaign...

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How To Control A Nation Of Gamblers?

Posted on May 16, 2016

Calling the bottom in Commodities was the one call every trader and fund manager only dreamt of getting right this year.  Given how depressed prices have been over the last few years, it was always going to be the career defining moment for anyone. Following the rhetoric of most sell side houses and strategists, everyone thought they had until later this year to catch the rally given the oversupply that plagued most markets. However, it seems...

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